You know you’d be a valuable asset to any team but you’re not sure how to show that value to employers. You want to learn how to become the ONE that gets selected for the interview and then turn that interview into a golden opportunity to land the job.

L E T ‘ S B R E A K T H I S D O W N

When you think about your job search are you:

  • Worried about spending hours on a resume only for it to get lost in the sea of other candidates? 

  • Unsure which parts of your experience will be most valuable to employers and how to highlight them to get their attention? 

  • Tired of hearing that employers want to see your passion and a customized resume and cover letter...what does that even mean??

  • Intimidated at the thought of an interview because it’s been so long since you’ve had one (or you’ve never had one before) 


What if you could:

  • Get experienced feedback directly from a recruiter on what your unique professional strengths are in the market 

  • Learn how to strategically position these strengths in your resume and interview to make you a stand out candidate

  • Get the inside scoop on how you’re being assessed by hiring managers and how your resume stacks up against your competition 

  • See if there’s anything listed on your resume that could actually be working against you in the process 

  • Learn how to build the customized resume and cover letter that employers are always talking about 

  • Know what to expect in an interview and how to best prepare for it  

  • Optimize your LinkedIn profile so that THEY find YOU


T H A T ’ S W H E R E I C A N H E L P

Hi, I’m Kajal. I’m a CPHR, Certified Resume Strategist, and your own personal career cheerleader. 

I’ve helped candidates ranging from university students starting their career to CFOs looking for their next big move find their unique strengths and land great opportunities.  

And now I want 
to do this with you...



This is an 8 week career accelerator designed for candidates looking to learn how to stand out in the hiring process. 

I’ll be pulling the curtain back on the employer side of the recruitment process in this 3 part comprehensive program.

You will learn that valuable intel and use it to show employers the unique professional strengths you bring to the table and why they should hire you.


W H A T ’ S I N C L U D E D


Part 1: Resume + Cover Letter Analysis


In our first 1:1 session together, we will dig deep into your job search goals and work experience. I will ask you detailed questions to gain an in depth understanding of your background, and use it to customize the program to your experience.

In an online class, I will give a comprehensive lesson on how to incorporate strategy into each section of your resume that will help you get noticed by hiring managers and stand out against your competition.


In the next online class, I will teach you how to build the customized cover letter of every employer’s dreams.

After you’ve implemented the strategies from the last 2 classes into your resume and cover letter, we will have our next 1:1 session to get my eyes and expertise on the work you’ve done.


Part 2: Interview Preparation


In the next online class, I will teach you how to prepare for an interview like a stand out candidate. We will go over commonly asked questions, what employers are looking for when they ask it, how to prepare and what not to say!

Now that you’ve learned how to prepare for a job interview, I will conduct a mock interview with you in this 1:1 session. We will pretend it is a real interview and I will provide feedback on your answers afterward.


Part 3: LinkedIn Optimization


Wouldn’t it be amazing if when you start your job search, EMPLOYERS find YOU?? This is exactly the power an optimized LinkedIn profile has and in our final online class, I will teach you how to build one.

Now that you’ve learned how to build an optimized LinkedIn profile, I will review your profile with you in our next 1:1 session to ensure it is set up for job search success.


 W H A T Y O U ’ L L R E C E I V E


4 online classes where I will teach how to incorporate the strategic techniques needed to get an employer’s attention

4 1:1 coaching sessions with me to ensure each online lesson is then customized to your experience and my eyes and expertise are on your work the whole way

A detailed analysis on your job search goals, work experience, and competitive market advantages

A strategy session on your LinkedIn profile

My entire interview prep process with 1:1 time with me to guide you through it

Unlimited text support for the 8 week period so you receive my feedback as you work through the program


This program is designed to transform your resume, cover letter, interview skills and LinkedIn profile…

But the bigger transformation will be in the confidence you gain showing up as the prepared, informed and stand out candidate.




From job search overwhelm to landing her dream job - how Kajal connected Jessica to the perfect employer. 


“Working through the 8 week course with Kajal has been nothing short of life changing”



Before joining the 8 week program, Jessica was unhappy in her job and felt overwhelmed with the job search process. 

The Process

What Jessica didn’t know was just how incredibly valuable and employable her work experience was! Over the 8 weeks, Jessica not only learned how to market her strengths, but by joining this program, she was able to skip the job search process all together (How? Read the result!)

The Result

Immediately recognizing the value in her experience, Kajal connected Jessica to an employer in her network, prepped her for the interview and within a few days, Jessica landed her dream job!

“My time with Spark Career Co. and working through the 8 week course with Kajal has been nothing short of life changing. Working with Kajal was like having a cheerleader, friend and secret weapon in my back pocket that helped build my confidence and help me navigate the stressful world of job hunting. As someone who was unhappy in my job and needed to make a career change, I felt overwhelmed with the job search process and needed help building a resume that would highlight transferable skills so I could move into a new field. Kajal's courses were broken down into doable modules, and she was patient, accessible and kind through the whole process. She even went above and beyond and connected me with a hiring manager that ended up helping me land my dream job. I couldn't recommend Kajal and her course more highly, thank you!!”

Jessica Edie


Flora went from rejection emails to landing a job in less than 60 days. 


“It has given me the confidence I lacked and that's the most precious thing I take away from this program.”



As a recent college graduate, Flora had limited work experience and wondered - was her few months of work experience valuable? How should she market it to employers? How do you get past the initial screening call stage and most importantly, how do you gain interview confidence so that you’re not second guessing your answers?  

The Process

These specific concerns coupled with her incredible willingness to learn made Flora the perfect candidate for the 8 week program. With Kajal’s eyes and expertise on her resume/cover letter/interview skills, Flora learned she had everything she needed to land an amazing job, she just needed some guidance on how to make it shine.

The Result

After months of job searching and feeling self doubt in the process, Flora decided to join the 8 week program.. The result? By week 4 of the program she had already landed an interview, and by week 6 - she landed a new and exciting job that perfectly fit her academic credentials.

“Kajal’s dedication and willingness to help is applaudable. She was just an email away if I needed any help at any juncture. We often hear everyone telling us to customize our resume to each job you apply but that was exactly where and how I didn't know how to proceed. The program helped me understand those little points on how to customize and what to exactly change. I was astonished to know how a personalized cover letter can help you convey and connect to the employer how you are the perfect candidate. Lastly, after learning how to customize a resume, cover letter and linkedIn it has given me the confidence which I lacked and that's the most precious thing I take away from this program.” 

Flora Fernandes, P. Eng

And the very best part? You will be able to carry the tips, tricks and tools you gain from this program with you for the rest of your career. Talk about a valuable investment! 

Are you ready to take the leap?