Hi, I’m Kajal.

I’m a CPHR, Ex-Tech Recruiter and your own personal career cheerleader. My work has been featured on CTV News, Global News, CP24 Breakfast and more!


Here's my story...

After working in recruitment for 8 years, reviewing and interviewing hundreds of candidates, one thing became so clear to me - people are amazing at their jobs and have so much to offer - they just need some guidance showcasing it in a way that captures the employer’s attention.

I would review a candidate’s resume and then say…‘okay, in your own words, walk me through your day to day responsibilities’ and time and time again the job seeker would uncover highly valuable, highly employable skills that were either hard to find or missing from their resume all together.

So, I started Spark Career Company on a mission to instil candidates with confidence on their job search journeys by teaching them how to leverage their experience to stand out in a competitive talent market.

After working together, you will leave knowing what your unique career strengths are in the job market and how to highlight them in a resume and/or job interview to position yourself as a stand out candidate. 

I will take you behind the scenes into the recruiter’s process so that you can go into your job search knowing what the other candidates don’t, and use it to your advantage.  

All of my offerings include 1:1 time with me so consider this the ultimate by-your-side-guide to your next great opportunity. 

I can't wait to work with you.

- Kajal